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What is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is the science and engineering of small things, in particular things that are less than 100 nanometers in size (in one direction). Nano is an SI prefix and comes from the Greek word for dwarf - nanos. One nanometer is 10-9 meters or about 3 atoms long.

At first, it can be hard to comprehend the nanoscale because it is so much smaller than our everyday experience. While we know intuitively that a dime is smaller than a basketball, and even that a red blood cell (which can be observed in the light microscope) is smaller than a marble, we have no experience with objects that are billionths (10-9) of a meter (1 nanometer or nm) in length. When was the last time you put your hands around a strand of DNA (2.5 nm) or measured the diameter of a flu virus (100 nm)? Here are a few comparisons to help understand how small a nanometer is:
An average human hair is about 60,000 -100,000 nanometers wide Your fingernail grows a nanometer every second. A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick. In one inch there are 25,400,000 nanometers

What is Nanotechnology used for?
Although nanotechnology is used in almost every industry,
there are five main fields in which it really shines, which are
medicine, energy, electronics, environment, and consumer
products. What is nanotechnology used for in each of those

1) Medical Applications of Nanotechnology.
2) Energy Applications.
3) Applications of Nanotech in the Field of Electronics.
4) Environmental Uses of Nanotechnology.
5) Consumer Products.

Synthesis of manufacturing steps of Gold Nanoparticles.

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Why are ARG3X ASIA manufacturing Gold Nanoparticles?
The Nano growth industry is booming (especially in the medical field) and it has been discovered that certain types of molecules could be attached to gold nanoparticles. Once attached, these molecules (using the gold nanoparticles as a delivery vehicle) would be used to deliver medicine to specific areas inside a patients body to fight diseases. This explains the basic process of how different drug molecules can be utilized to treat tumors and diseases in the medical field and it all starts with gold nanoparticles.

Therapeutics will be our main manufacturing focus at this time.

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